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Messages - stevo qld

I note that BRT are having car problems.

As far as I recall BRT built their two cars.

However, when Tickford scaled back to a two-car team, BRT purchased a surplus car and, by coincidence, picked up a surplus driver and a surplus sponsor.

Maybe it is time to park one of their cars and bring the Tickford built car online if thy haven' already done so.
Quote from: SetonFan on July 21, 2024, 11:20:47 PM
Quote from: skaifeman on July 21, 2024, 04:34:39 PMWhat a move by Matt Payne at T1.

That was awesome. Meanwhile starting to think Stanaway's time might be up - he's had a lot of chances.

I have been surprised by Stanaway's poor form in a top 5 car. He appears to be better suited to a co-driver's role.

888 must be happy that they ignored SVG's recommendation of Stanaway to replace him.
Repco Supercars Championship / Re: Courtney Retires
July 21, 2024, 03:10:16 PM
Well, he is still consistently a top 24 driver. ;D
General Discussion / Re: Ironic
July 20, 2024, 01:46:55 PM
That's true about Musk, but that donation is coming from the money paid for by Tesla vehicle purchasers.
General Discussion / Re: Ironic for Greenies
July 19, 2024, 10:29:32 PM
Quote from: Sonic on July 19, 2024, 05:50:13 PMdunno what you guys have to vote for really? the actual people who are up for election don't seem 'voteworthy' but there are no other choices.

did make me think of the Obama's... I reckon if Michelle ran she'd have to be a half decent chance against Trump? (think they are on opposing sides? LOL)

leaves me wondering... are the Trump voters voting for the party and what is promised (more than the man)? and ditto for Biden?

I suspect that a great number of people will simply not vote for either.

It seems that all over the world, the governing party are being given the boot as people aren't happy with the current government, i.e. UK, France. and other European countries with no regard to left or right wing. People are just truly pissed off and hope for the best.

Add a likely exit of the ALP in Queensland, Victoria and maybe Australia if polls are any indication.

PS: A former Labor Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, or as he is widely known, Rudd the Dudd, has been reported as backing Trump policies. He must like the prestige of being an Ambassador.
General Discussion / Ironic for Greenies
July 18, 2024, 08:55:33 PM
I think that this news is rather ironic.

Tesla Cars are frequently purchased or used by green and left-wing political supporters including top level Green Party leaders.

Yet, every single one of them is ,collectively, financially contributing to the election campaign of the allegedly right-wing Donald Trump. :o

QuoteTech billionaire Elon Musk has pledged his support to former US President Donald Trump.

Mr Musk has pledged to donate to a super PAC that supports Donald Trump $US45 million a month, leading up to the election.

The tech billionaire had formally endorsed the former US President after an attempted assassination on Mr. Trump's life.
Repco Supercars Championship / Re: Courtney Retires
July 18, 2024, 10:07:05 AM
Quote from: Trevor on July 18, 2024, 02:52:17 AMFunny he has given this much notice, what would be achieved by that?

A few reasons come to mind/

If he has been quietly advised that his current contract will not be renewed, he can announce early to avoid embarrassment.

He may have a top class enduro co-driver offer.

An announcement also is a signal to his Real Estate people that he is serious.
Repco Supercars Championship / Re: Courtney Retires
July 17, 2024, 11:59:58 PM
I remember when he was the next big Formula 1 prospect.
IndyCar / Re: Kiwis Dominating!
July 15, 2024, 01:31:49 PM
Followed by a podium after an Aussie win, Power.

This must put Power well up on the all-time Indycar winners list.
General Discussion / Wayne Wakefield drug bust
July 09, 2024, 05:21:47 PM

QuoteRace driver's bankruptcy led to 'medley' of drug abuse a former V8 Supercars driver and nightclub owner has been released from court on a suspended sentence for drug possession after a more serious trafficking charge was dropped.

Wayne Jason Wakefield, 53, pleaded guilty in the Brisbane Supreme Court on Tuesday to a string of charges relating to two police raids on his homes within a year starting in May 2020.
 sentenced Wakefield to 15 months' imprisonment to be immediately suspended for a period of 15 months.

Wakefield said he felt "good" as he left the court building.
Formula One / Re: F1 2024 Season
July 08, 2024, 10:38:25 PM
I appears, to me at least, that Max Verstappen is a very competent and fast driver.

He does this in what may be markedly inferior car if one considers the other identical team car's performance.

At the same time, I observe that he is a less competent racer and seems to have problems when actually racing against a competitor and is much better with starting at the front and staying at the front.
I am still rather mystified that so many professional teams, all abounding in technical and management personnel and competent drivers, can still make an absolute snafu in Supercars.

So much for the elite!
I was much happier with the commentary.

(Leave the historic bragging to the boozy bar-b-q.)

That guy from Ford America hasn't whinged about parity this time. It must be a first!
Quote from: LG on May 21, 2024, 07:11:31 AMWord is Erebus has been sold and Kostecki is not staying. He is off to Premair next year.
Reportedly not for sale!
QuoteNo deal: SA businessman walks away from multi-million dollar bid to buy Supercars team Erebus
Simon Chapman
June 21, 2024 - 4.30pm

Betty Klimenko will remain the owner of Supercars team Erebus Motorsport for the foreseeable future.

Rumours emerged in May that Klimenko was close to selling the Melbourne-based team to South Australian businessman Aaron Hickmann of Vailo.

"I believe that Erebus is possibly now not up for sale and Betty is going to keep it and it's not going to have Barry involved. That's what I heard."